Wild Man of Mercury by Leigh Brackett (CAVEMAN ADVENTURE LIBRARY 1)
2nd Printing shipping January 23rd! Since the 1st Printing was a small, experimental run, the second printing will still have some copies with colored edges available, as well as some minor corrections and an improved presentation.
Eric John Stark wears the veneer of civilization lightly, for beneath what men call by that name there still lies N’Chaka, the wild boy raised on the unceasingly brutal surface of Mercury. Though educated on Earth after his rescue from the miners who slaughtered his tribe, he is a dangerous man – and one likely to espouse the cause of the common natives of the Solar System when exploited by the greed of his birth planet or the machinations of their own political schemers.
The CAVEMAN ADVENTURE LIBRARY proudly presents Leigh Brackett’s original stories of Stark on Mars, unabridged and with their original illustrations as published in Planet Stories.